The death of a 16-year-old girl in Delhi, India’s capital territory, has sparked concern about women’s safety in India. The girl was stabbed and bludgeoned to death in an alley while pedestrians passed by has caused uproar in India about women's safety. CCTV footage showed that the youngster was approached in public by a man, identified by authorities as 20-year-old Sahil Khan, who stabbed the teenage girl more than 30 times and struck her with a concrete slab. The assault was witnessed by several people. Reportedly, one man attempted to interfere but he was forcefully spurned by the assailant, nothing further was done to stop him. No one alerted the police, and her body stayed in the alleyway for 30 minutes after the murder until it was discovered by a police informant. According to authorities in Delhi, Khan was in a relationship with a teenage girl. He wanted to kill her when she attempted to end the relationship. He allegedly followed her from the market to the dark alley, wher...