In a shocking accident on Thursday on the auspicious occasion of the Hindu festival of Ram Navami, at least 35 people were killed after falling into a well while offering prayers at Beleshwar Mahadev Jhulelal Temple in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. While 14 others have been rescued in the mishap that took place in Indore city, one person is still missing. Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to Twitter to express his condolences to the victims' families and has also announced a compensation of over $2,400 for them. According to police, a number of people were standing during a prayer ceremony on a concrete slab covering the well when it collapsed under their weight, plunging the devotees into the almost 40 feet deep well. While 18 people were rushed to the hospital following the accident, a couple of them have been discharged so far, ANI news channel quoted senior official Illayaraja T as saying. An intense search operation is still underway to trace the missing person...